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Convert .WAV to .MIDI

The most powerful audio workstation on the Internet – WavTool lets you extract notes with detailed real-time control.

Import a song to begin.

Drag and Drop or Choose a File

.mp3 .wav .flac .ogg .m4a


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Video of WavTool's audio-to-MIDI skill

Convert .wav files to .midi

Interactively extract notes from audio. WavTool gives you audio-to-MIDI with detailed real-time control over the transcription process.

  1. Drag and drop or choose a file to upload.
  2. WavTool's Quickstart automatically separates your audio into individual stems.
    The original audio clip will be on the first track.
  3. Open the AI Skills menu ✨.
  4. Select the 'Convert-to-MIDI' skill and convert your audio.
  5. You'll be able to adjust the density and sensitivity of the result, amongst other finer controls.

Here's a handy video explaining the process: